• A Pioneer Membership earns you the above benefits, plus four free lunches at Moose Anderson Day.
    A Prospector Membership earns you a wall plaque, and a link to your website on our webpage and mention on our Facebook page.
    A Benefactor Membership earns you the above, and a link to your website on our webpage and mention on our Facebook page.
    A Supporting Membership will receive a certificate thanking you and your business for your support.
    A Trail Leader Membership shows your strongest support and entitles you to four free lunches at Moose Anderson Day, as well as a special certificate. Only $100.
    A Family Membership, which includes everyone living in your house, is just $50.00, and entitles you to four free lunches at Moose Anderson Day.
    An Individual Membership is just $25.00 a year and entitles you one free lunch at Moose Anderson Day.
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