Spring Fling a Success at El Mirage

The Friends of El Mirage recently hosted its 2nd Annual Spring Fling. The event included some refreshment, ATV safety training, Junior Ranger opportunities and several vendors such as Wind Wizards Land Sailing and more.

McGruff the Dog, from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, attended the event to do finger prints for the kids and some adults, too. McGruff has a lot of fans at El Mirage!

Families had so much fun with the Easter egg hunt. They were able to play and visit with the Easter Bunny and Mojave Max from the Mojave National Preserve. There was also some Junior Ranger fun at the event with ATV training and safety instruction.

Dr. Glassey, a notable Entomologist who specializes in the study of desert wildlife, was in attendance with snakes and lizards. He talked about the desert wildlife and let participants pet and hold the animals.

This was a great day at El Mirage and we hope the vendors and other participants are as anxious as we are to attend future events. Thanks to all those who made this event a great time!